Saturday, October 26, 2013

Another week

Another week has gone and can't believe it's almost November…what?!  Anyway, here are a couple new things I've done.  The piece on raw canvas has sort of knocked my feet out from under me.  Not sure why.  It feels different but maybe haven't processed it yet and need to give it time to roll around in my thoughts before I can articulate what it is or where it will lead.

Have been doing loads of reading, perhaps that is part of the influence.  Maybe I just need to put it aside and come back to it and decide what to do next.

I still need to post the other pieces on raw canvas and will shoot those pieces this weekend and upload those images in the next couple days.

I have my third meeting with my mentor on Halloween…..we'll see how it goes.

Have a great weekend and Happy Halloween everybody!!!






Thursday, October 17, 2013

Some New Stuff

Hope everyone is well.  Here are some images of stuff I've been working on.  Had been feeling pretty good about working with opacity.  But, have hit a wall and am working on pushing through.
Sorry about the quality of the images.