Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Excitement, Ideas, and Doubt, OH MY!

I had my first meeting with my mentor this past week, amazing!  Renée had so many great insights about my current work.  She suggested checking out "The Three Fates"and Case making insects...holy crap, what a great idea!  It really gave me loads of ideas and offered a lot of different avenues as to how I'll push through my frustration with regards to not necessarily having the "right" knowledge to know what to do sculpturally.  Renée asked about the shapes I choose and offered the suggestion to dig in and discover the deeper meaning in my choices also she encouraged me to go out and find found items to wrap.  Now, I do have to say I think the work is in an awkward stage and I'm not certain how I feel about that but am just going with it and continuing my exploration of my process and my "rituals" that seem to be very important to this particular work.

After my meeting with both Deborah and Renée I'm feeling so happy, energized, and hopeful about the direction the work is going.

my objects from last semester wrapped in nylon and coated with latex

this is a continuation of the above image and is now coated in plaster

The pieces below are wrapped in cheese cloth and are only a beginning, I haven't decided how they will morph.  One of the helpful things Renée said about cocoons and case making objects," the transformations occur while inside"....so great and gives me lots of things to think about and obviously this will take some time for things to transform...

vessels wrapped in cheese cloth
Below is just another experiment and I haven't decided what to do with them at all. 

1 comment:

  1. That's great news! I'm so happy for you. Love the relationship to cocoons.
